By Tommy "Punk" Fransson

This is a fast magic system to use in City of Mordheim. In most RPGs you have something similar to: A set number of Magic points (MP) where each spell costs a certain number of MPs to cast. This number is then deducted from your MP allotment, and once you have run out of MPs you can cast no more spells. In WFB, a random number of power and dispel cards are available to cast or dispel each turn. Neither of the two really represents the sort of mental fatigue one would theoretically suffer casting spell after spell. This magic system uses a different, but more entertaining, approach that was suggested by Brad Hann after he read my first draft - reverse it.

Each spell costs a number of MP to cast. However, don't subtract the number of MPs from your total - add it. Each Wizard starts at a D6 accumulated MPs and adds to this total with each spell cast. Now, after casting a spell, the Wizard must make a mental fatigue roll. Roll a 2D6 for a level 1 Wizard and 4D6 for a level 2 Wizard. If you score greater than his total accumulated magic points, he is not yet fatigued and can continue to cast spells. If you score equal to or less than his total, he cannot cast any more spells this turn or the next turn. Note that the D6 for accumulated MPs is rolled before each battle and it is not a fixed number.

You may cast a spell on friendly as well as enemy models and all spells require line of sight unless specifically stated otherwise. You may cast any number of spells in each turn although you cannot cast the same spells twice unless it spefically says so. The Magic Phase comes after the Hand-to-hand combat phase. If you cast a spell that will remain in play then at the start of the next Magic Phase you must pay MPs for upkeep if you want the spell to remain in play. The upkeep cost is indicated on the MP cost as the +number, e.g. 4+1 means the spell cost 4 MP to cast and an extra 1 MP in each subsequent Magic Phase. If you do not pay the upkeep or do not want the spell to continue working then it is immediately removed from play. Work out effects of spells remaining in play once you have paid upkeep for all spells that are to remain in play, after that you can continue to cast other spells. Note that you don't require a mental fatigue roll for upkeep, only for spells. If you fail your mental fatigue roll all spells currently in play are removed from play.

A wizard receives 3 spells per magic level. The spells are divided on a number of spheres and you roll randomly to determine which spells the wizard has access to prior to each battle. Note that the spells are not fixed and you may choose your Spheres before each battle. First choose all your spheres and then roll the dice to see which spells you get. E.g. take 2 Combat Sphere and one Mind Sphere, then roll to see which spells you get. In this example roll 2 dice for Combat Sphere and 1 for Mind Sphere. If you roll a spell you already have then you may choose your spell from that sphere.

If you want to limit or ease the use of magic just change the number of dice rolled, maybe even add the Wizards level to the roll. I want the magic to be a small part and the spells should be more fun than battle-winners. Changing the number of D6 rolled per level is an easy way to modifiy how weak/powerful you want the Wizards to be.

This system works best with the skirmish setting if you only include a single wizard per warband and only magic level 1 or 2. Magic should be kept low and the spells will be either battle spells or small tricks that can be pulled. The fights are not supposed to be won by magic alone. I have not included dispels as I wanted to keep the system fast. Also I have tried to make the spells lesser ones instead of battle-winners so there should be no need for dispels.



The characteristics and cost of a Wizard should be based on a "youngblood" of that race, then add the cost for the Wizards magic level. Magic Level 1 cost +20 points and Magic Level 2 cost +50 points. The Wizard will be a Hero but should only have access to the same wargear as Henchmen. Remember that, apart from Skaven, Beastmen and Orcs, Wizards are not fighters so they should not have access to the best weapons. The best idea is to come up with a new Equipment list of your own for the Wizard, also remember that Wizards may not wear armour as it interferes with their spell casting. Below are the recomended characteristics for a number of races, note that the cost below includes a magic level of 1.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Cost
Skink 6 2 3 3 2 1 4 1 6 35
Human 4 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 7 35
Elf 5 3 3 3 3 1 6 1 8 55
Orc 4 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 7 50
Goblin 4 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 5 30
Beastman 4 3 3 3 4 2 3 1 7 55
Skaven 5 3 3 3 3 1 5 1 6 50


The magic has been designed to be low and not one-spell-win-the-battle. A wizard will have enough power to cast a few spells that, if used at the right moment, may turn the battle. I hope the spells will entertain the players and add to the fun of the game, spells may cause some rather funny situations and during play testing we had a few laughs. The system is designed to allow you to add your own spheres or to add to the existing ones.



This sphere contains offensive and defensive spells and most Wizards will have a few spells from this sphere.

1-3 Ball/bolt of fire/ice - MP 1 per model Range 24"
The wizard releases a ball of fire or ice that strike the first target in its path and inflict an S4 hit, armour saves are at -1 and count as a hand-to-hand combat attack. If you cast this spell against a group of Henchmen then you can unleash one ball per model in the group and each Henchman will be hit by one ball. If you unleash fewer balls than there are models in the group then the first will hit the closest models and the rest will be randomized among the remaining models. A model can only be hit by one ball from the same spell.
4 Aura of Protection - MP 2 +1/turn Range Personal
The wizard creates an aura around him that is as hard as armour and he now has a 5+ unmodified save. The wizard must pay 1 MP in each subsequent Magic Phase to keep the spell in play.
5 Strength - MP 3 +1/turn Range Personal
The wizard is filled with great strength and can shrug off blows that would have knocked a lesser man off his feet. Add +1 to Strength and Toughness. The wizard must pay 1 MP in each subsequent Magic Phase to keep the spell in play.
6 Break - MP 3 Range 12"
The wizard let out a bolt of force that cracks a hole in an inanimate non-living object such as a door, wall or beam. The hole will be large enough to allow a humanoid to move through. This spell cause no damage to living persons but can cause e.g. a roof to fall in or a walkway to collapse. In which case each model take a hit as by falling i.e. D3 hits with a Strength equal to the distance in inches fallen and ignores all armour saved but does not inflict critical hits. The damage an be worked out in this way if you fall due to the walkway breaking or hit by a beam that breaks away above you. Otherwise feel free to come up with a plausible damage yourselves, it may not be a hit at all but buried beneath rubble and automatically taken Out of Action.
7 Heal - MP 4 Range Base contact
The wizard reaches out and as he touches a single living model all wounds are restored and the model immediately stands up if stunned or knocked down. If you are using the alternative combat system in addition all effects of wounds taken are healed, i.e. penalties to WS and BS.
8 Choose
You may choose any spell from this sphere.


This sphere contains spells that allow you to hold your own warband together or throw a rival warband into confusion.

1 Inspire Leadership - MP 2+1/turn Range 6" Remain in play
This spell must be cast on the leader of the warband, or the wizard himself if he is the leader. Every model within 12" may test using the leaders LD and the leaders LD is raised by +1.
2 Raising Morale - MP 3+1/turn Range 6" Remain in play
This spell is cast on a Henchmen group and the groups LD is raised by +2, this do not affect any heroes in the group.
3 Seed Animosity - MP 4 Range 12" Remain in play
The wizard reaches out and touches a living person's mind and clouds his memories so that he doesn't recognize his friends. The model will charge and attack the nearest model, friend or foe. In subsequent Magic Phases it must pass a LD test to break free of the spell.
4 Rally - MP 2 Range 24"
The model reaches out and calms the mind of a fleeing living model or group. The model or group are automatically rallied and may move and fight as normal.
5 Install Fear - MP 2 Range 12"
The wizard reach out and install images of dread in a single living person, the model must take a Panic test on 3D6 and will immediately flee if it fails.
6 Choose
You may choose any spell from this sphere.



This sphere contains spells that allow you to summon and control the wind or to change the form of air itself.

1 Create Mist - MP 2 +1/turn Range: 12" Template Remain in play
The wizard summons a mist that complete block line of sight. Place a large round template within 12" of the wizard. If the template cannot fit e.g. in a small alley then mark the area in some other way, balls of cotton wool are great for this. The wizard must pay 1 MP in each subsequent Magic Phase to keep the spell in play.
2 Poison Cloud - MP 2 Range 24" Template
The wizard turns the air into poisonous fumes. Place the large template within 24" of the wizard and any model touching the template take a S4 hit with no armour save possible, all models are knocked down even if they suffer no harm. The cloud will dissipate into harmless air before the next turn.
3 Windblast - MP 2 +1/turn Range 24" Template
The wizard conjures a strong blast of wind that scatters or pins the models it's centered on. Place the large template within 24" of the wizard and any model completely under the template are knocked down and all models that are touching the template are move D3" directly away from it. At the start of a turn models that are touching or within the template are knocked down and can only crawl up to 2" in the Movement Phase. Once the model is outside the template it may stand up in the next turn. If a model moves into the template it is knocked down and thus no hand-to-hand may be fought in the cloud, though you can hit a model that is only touching the template. No missiles may be shot at or through the template and certainly not from within the template. The wizard must pay 1 MP in each subsequent Magic Phase to keep the spell in play.
The Windblast may also be used to move a Mist, Poison Cloud spell or any other cloudbased spell. The Windblast must touch the cloud and the cloud is then pushed 3D6" in the other direction. This may cause damage to model that are touched by the moved cloud, E.G. Poison Cloud. However if the spell is pushed into a Storm Area spell then the cloud is torn apart and removed.
4 Lightning Bolt - MP 1 per model Range 24"
The wizard releases a lightning bolt that strike the first target in its path and inflict an S4 hit, armour saves are at -1 and count as a hand-to-hand attack. If you cast this spell against a group of Henchmen then you can unleash one bolt per model in the group and each Henchman will be hit by one bolt. If you unleash fewer bolts than there are models in the group then the first will hit the closest models and the rest will be randomized among the remaining models. A model can only be hit by one bolt from the same spell.
5 Storm Area - MP 2 +1/turn
The wizard conjures up a strong wind around him that prevents all missile fire within 6". This includes shooting at a model within 6" of the wizard, through the 6" area and models within 6" cannot shoot. It also prevents small animals such as birds or bats to fly within 6" of the wizard, if they already are within 6" they are flung in a random direction and placed just outside the area. The wizard must pay 1 MP in each subsequent Magic Phase to keep the spell in play.
6 Choose
You may choose any spell from this sphere.


This sphere contains spells that allow you to summon the beast within you or even nearby animals.

1 Summon - MP 4
The wizard reaches out with his mind out and summons a number of small animals to his side. The animals enter and are placed on a table edge of your choosing and may move normally in the next turn. You must choose one kind of animals that appear. Birds and bats can fly 8" (16" charging or "running") but they may not fly high, they can otherwise fly over all terrain, including buildings. The animals form a group of their own and will remain until killed or forced to flee. They can never rally, though they may use the wizards LD if he is the leader and within 6" of them.

2D3 Bats

8 2 - 3 3 1 3 1 4

2D3 Birds

8 2 - 3 3 1 3 1 4

2D3 Rats

6 2 - 3 3 1 3 1 4

2D3 Snakes

3 2 - 3 3 1 3 1 4

1D3 Dogs

6 2 - 3 3 1 3 1 4
2 Claws - MP 2 +1/turn Range Personal
The wizard grows claws similar to a large animal such as a bear or a wolf. The claws count as natural weapons and strike with S+1, you may not use a weapon or a shield when the claws are grown. The wizard must pay 1 MP in each subsequent Magic Phase to keep the spell in play. While the claws are grown the Wizard may not cast any spells other than to keep this spell going.
3 Bestial Appearence - MP 2+1/turn Range Personal
The wizard takes on the frightening appearence of an animal such as a bear and causes Fear. The wizard must pay 1 MP in each subsequent Magic Phase to keep the spell in play. While in this form the Wizard may not cast any spells other than to keep this spell going.
4 Wings - MP 4 +2/turn Range Personal
The wizard grow large wings and may fly (up to 24" per turn), the nature of the wings depend on the wizards alignment a proud elven wizard may grow eagle wings while a Necromancer may grow batwings. The wizard must pay 2 MP in each subsequent Magic Phase to keep the spell in play.
5 Bestial form - MP 3 +1/turn Range Personal
The wizard change into an animal form such as a bear or wolf, becoming quicker, stronger and tougher add +1 to M, S and T. The wizard now fight with natural weapons and may not use a weapon or a shield. The wizard must pay 1 MP in each subsequent Magic Phase to keep the spell in play. While in this form the Wizard may not cast any spells other than to keep this spell going.
6 Choose
You may choose any spell from this sphere.



This sphere contains spells vital to any Necromancer as it allow you to control Undead creatures as well as striking dread into rival warbands.

1-2 Vanhel's Dance Macabre - MP 1 Range 24"
The Necromancer reach out and invigours an Undead Henchmen group or single model and allow them to immediately move or charge up to 4". This spell may be cast any number of times per Magic Phase but not on the same models.
3 Reanimate Undead - MP 2 Range 12"
One Undead that was smashed to pieces is brought back to the fight. If you are using the alternative combat system any WS and BS penalties are removed as well as lost legs and arms but not weapons lost with an arm. This spell may be cast any number of times per Magic Phase but not on the same models.
4 Dreadgaze - MP 2 Range 12"
The Necromancer reach out and install images of dread in a living person, the model must take a Panic test on 3D6 and will immediately flee directly away from the Necromancer if it fails.
5 Paralyzing gaze - MP 4 Range 6"
The Necromancer transfixes a living person who may not move, fight or shoot for D3 turns, roll the dice openly. The model counts as having a WS of 0 and to hit and to wound are at +1. To add to the fun let a third person secretely roll the dice and write down the number of turns on a note. It will be a surprise to both players when the model may move again and will add to the tension during play.
6 Choose
You may choose any spell from this sphere.

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