BRETONNIAN KNIGHTS RETINUEBy Tommy "Punk" FranssonThe fate of a Bretonnian village depends on the bravery and prowess of the warrior chosen to defend it. If the warrior is defeated the village will be pillaged and burnt and its people enslaved or killed, so the warrior chosen to defend it must be the best. A Knight is expected to be able to defend his domain against a monster or a warband of a dozen or so raiders single handed! According to the ancient custom which is still followed in Bretonnia, anyone who desired the honour and privilege of knighthood must first prove himself worthy of the position by accomplishing a perilous task. Traditionally the errand of knighthood is choosen by the fairest maiden in the village and is often to slay a monster and bring back its head. However during war a duke or the king may assign errands such as to capture an enemy banner or bring back the head of a champion. This prooved to be an excellent way to muster great armies quickly. The duke of the province and the king himself keep retinues of Knights Errant in their castles eagerly awaiting to be despatched on a errand that will earn them knighthood.
CHOICE OF WARRIORS An Knights Retinue must consist of at least 3 models and the maximum size is 15. You have 500 Gold Crowns to recruit and equip your Warband.
HEROES KNIGHT..........................60 GC Every Bretonnian village is defended by the best warrior that can be found, a Knight. The Knight is expected to be able to defend his domain against a monster or a warband of a dozen or so raiders single handed!
Weapons and Armour: The Knight wear light armour and may have additional equipment from the Knight Equipment list, a Knight must buy a weapon from the hand-to-hand combat list. The Knight may ride a warhorse at +50 pts. SPECIAL RULES Leader: Any warrior within 6" of the Knight may use his Leadership characteristic when taking any Leadership tests. Knights Virtue: The Knight may ignore a single failed Leadership test per battle.
0-4 KNIGHT ERRANTS..................55 GC Anyone who desires the honour and privilege of knighthood must first prove himself worthy of the position by accomplishing a perilous task, an errand of knighthood. The nature of the errand is choosen by the villages fairest maiden, the duke of the province or the king himself.
Weapons and Armour: The Knight Errants wear light armour and may have additional equipment from the Knight Equipment list, a Knight Errant must buy a weapon from the hand-to-hand combat list. Any Knight Errants may ride a warhorse at +50 pts.
HENCHMEN (Bought in groups of 1-5 models) SQUIRES.................25 GC to recruit A Knight has several Squires in his retinue, he needs companions and servants when he goes on campaigns. The squires follow the Knight on campaigns where they will learn the art of war and the code of chivalry in preporation of their own errand of knighthood.
Weapons and Armour: A Squire may be equipped from the Commoner Equipment List.
A mounted model consist of the mount and the model riding it. A mounted model is treated as a single model for all purposes unless stated otherwise. The cost of a warhorse is 50 GC
Movement A mounted model may only run or charge in a straight line, this is because of the difficulty to make a sharp turn around a corner at that speed. The model may turn before the run or charge but if you ran or charged last turn, you may only turn up to 45 degrees. The horse may jump over obstacles up to 2" in height, this include a defended obstacle. If the model makes a normal move than any number of turns are allowed and in any direction, at this slow pace there is no problem to negotiate obstacles. If the rider is wearing heavy armour and shield then the mounts move is reduced by -1. A mounted model may not enter a building Jumping A mount may jump from a higher level but if it fails an Initaive roll then it have broken its legs. The rider will take damage as normal but the mount is immediatly removed. In a campaign the mount s removed completly as it is unable to move anymore and its hard to find a battle trained horse in a city. A mount may jump over obstacles up to 2" in height, this include a defended obstacle. In which case the model suffers no to hit penalty for the defended obstacle. Fighting The mount and rider fight as two seperate models. A warrior that strikes at the model may choose to hit the horse or the rider but all to hit rolls are made against the riders WS. The mount count as having a 6+ save and the riders save is incresed by +1. If the mount is injured (IE taken "Out of Action", "Stunned" or "Knocked Down") then the rider is thrown off and count as being "Knocked Down". Place a separate model to mark that the rider is now fighting on foot. Shooting The mounted model is a large target but all hits are directed at the rider. Any hits must be randomized between the rider and the mount. 1-3 mount 4-6 rider. If the mount is injured (IE taken "Out of Action", "Stunned" or "Knocked Down") then the rider is thrown off and count as being "Knocked Down". Place a separate model to mark that the rider is now fighting on foot. Back to Tommy Punk's Mordheim Articles. This page hosted by Geocities. |