By Tommy "Punk" Fransson

The Warlock-Engineers of Clan Skryre spend their days tinkering with arcane machinery that are powered by a combination of magic, Warpstone fuel and Warplightning. They construct machinery for various tasks but they all have in common that they are unreliable and break down or explode all too often. The holds and workshops of Clan Skryre are therefore a constant workplace as sections need to be constantly repaired or enlarged to fit the new machineries. Engineers scuttle around hecticly making makeshift repairs or adjustments to machinies that makes awful noises, supervisors try to overvoice the noise of the machinies to give orders and at the same time complete complex calculations.

The meteor and the rumours of the properties of the mysterious Wyrdstone have reached the ears of the Warlock-Engineers. Who knows what machines could be fueled with that stone or how they will enhance their effect. Expeditions have been sent out to return with a sample of the stone, each Chief Warlock has sent at least one expedition. As usual the Skaven lords do not trust their servants and most certainly not each other. Whoever first gets hold of a sample will have an important advantage over the others. The only thing that stop large armies to be deployed is the edict made by the Council of Thirteen that no expeditions save Council sanctioned ones are allowed. A small expedition stand a greater chanse of slipping though and if they are indeed caught the Chief Warlock will of course not know anything about the rash young Warlock-Engineer leading the expedition.


A Warband of Clan Skryre must include at least 3 models. You have 500 Warp tokens which you can use to recruit and equip your Warband. The maximum number of models is 20.

Warlock-Engineer Your Warband must be lead by a Warlock-Engineer.
Engineers Your Warband may include up to four Engineers.
Clanrats Your Warband may include any number of Clanrats.
Skavenslaves Your Warband may any number of Skavenslaves.
Carriers Your Warband may include no more Carriers than you have Engineers, including the Warlock-Engineer.
Giant Rats Your Warband may include any number of Giant Rats.
Rat Ogre Your Warband may include a single Rat Ogre.




WARLOCK-ENGINEER......................50 Warp tokens

The fur of a Warlock is often white as he is a powerful individual and a born leader. They possess a heightened intellect and the diversity and ingenious of their weapons testify to that. The Warlock Engineers spend their days tinkering with arcane machinery powered by a combination of magic, Warpstone fuel and Warplightning.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
Warlock-Engineer 5 3 3 3 3 1 5 1 6

Weapons and armour: The Warlock-Engineer may be armed with weapons and armour from the Engineer Equipment List, but may not wear armour as it interferes with his spell casting.


Leader: Leader: Any warrior within 6" of the Warlock-Engineer may use his Leadership characteristic when taking any Leadership tests.

Wizard: The Warlock-Engineer is a level 1 Wizard.

0-4 ENGINEERS......................25 Warp tokens

Clan Skryre Engineers operate Clan Skryre weapons and warmachines. Engineers work very close with the Warlock Engineers in developing new weapons.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
Engineer 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5

Weapons and armour: The Engineers may be armed with weapons and armour from the Engineer Equipment List.


HENCHMEN (Bought in groups of 1-5)

CLANRATS................25 Warp tokens to recruit

Every Skaven Clan counts numerous numbers of Clanrats who make up the skilled working force as well as warriors in times of need. In times of need they are given a weapon and a shield and expected to fight for their clan. Those that survive a few battles from a rough militia, of course serving as a warrior grant you the right to feed on the fallen enemies so starvation is somewhat further away.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
Clanrat 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5

Weapons and armour: The Clanrats may be armed with weapons and armour from the Clanrat Equipment List.

SKAVENSLAVES...................10 Warp tokens to buy

One might think that Clan Skryres base is made up of their machineries, but as all clans they rely heavily on countless numbers of slaves. The machines can perform many tasks but are expensive and unreliable, the clan needs a steady stream of resources from their mines. Slaves die from exhaustion, suffocation or cave-ins working in the damp tunnels. In addition many slaves suffer an agonizing death being test subjects for new weapons or sent in to repair something inside a machine, that is still running! Few come out alive and many cogs and wheels display the colour of dried blood.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
Skavenslave 5 2 2 3 3 1 5 1 4

Weapons and armour: The Skavenslaves may be armed with weapons and armour from the Clanrat Equipment List.

CARRIERS..............25 Warp tokens (Bought in groups of 1 model, number of groups may not exceed number of Engineers)

The Jezzails and Warp Fire Throwers are too cumbersome to be handled by a single Engineer so a Clanrat is employed to carry the fuel barrel or hold Jezzail rest as well as to defend the Engineer in battle.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
Carrier 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5

Weapons and armour: The Carrier may not be armed with additional weapons or armour.


Carriers: The Carriers are bought as groups of Henchmen consisting of a single model per group. You may not buy more Carriers than the Warband includes Engineers (including the leader). An Engineer equipped with a Jezzail or Warp Fire Thrower must join up with a Carrier and form a group.

GIANT RATS..............15 Warp tokens to buy

Clan Moulder breed and sell giant fierce rats, in battle they are used to overrun defenders and are followed by Clanrats who leap upon the remaining defenders.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
Giant Rat 6 2 - 3 3 1 3 1 4

Weapons and armour: The Rats cannot use equipment or weapons.


Pack size: Giant Rats can be bought in groups as large as you wish.

0-1 RAT OGRE BODYGUARD......................215 Warp tokens to buy

The Warlock-Engineer has been very succesful and has managed to afford a mighty Rat Ogre bodyguard for himself.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
Rat Ogre 5 4 3 5 5 3 5 2 5

Weapons and armour: The Rat Ogre is armed with sizeable claws and cannot use weapons and armour, not that it needs them anyway.


Fear: The Rat Ogre is a huge and frightening monster which causes Fear.

Stupidity: A Rat Ogre is subject to Stupidity unless a Skaven Hero is in base contact with it.



Hand-to-hand combat weapons:
Dagger (1st free) 2 WT
Mace 3 WT
Hammer 3 WT
Axe 5 WT
Sword 5 WT
Halberd 10 WT
Flail 15 WT
Missile weapons:
Warplock Pistol 30 WT
(60 for a brace)
Hand gun 35 WT
Blunderbuss 35 WT
Engineers Weapons:
(A model may only carry a single Engineer weapon and the numbers indicate the number of weapons that can be included in the Warband)
0+ Poison Wind Globes 30 WT
0-1 Warpfire Thrower 60 WT
0-2 Jezzails 60 WT
Helmet 10 WT
Light Armour 20 WT


Hand-to-hand combat weapons:
Dagger (1st free) 2 WT
Mace 3 WT
Hammer 3 WT
Club 3 WT
Axe 5 WT
Sword 5 WT
Spear 10 WT
Missile weapons:
Sling 2 WT
Shield 5 WT
Helmet 10 WT
Light Armour 20 WT



Clan Skryre have developed a number of frightening and effective weapons. Although many of them are fickle and indiscriminating the carnage and destruction they cause is impressive.


The Jezzail and Warp Fire Thrower are too cumbersome to be handled by a single Engineer so a Clanrat is employed to carry the fuel barrel or hold Jezzail rest.


Carriers: The Carriers are bought as groups of Henchmen consisting of a single model per group. You may not buy more Carriers than the Warband includes Engineers (including the leader). An Engineer equipped with a Jezzail or Warp Fire Thrower must join up with a Carrier and form a group.



A Warplock Jezzail is a longrifle that fire bullets made of Warpstone and lead fused together. They can punch through amour easier than a human handgun and the range and strength of it is even greater.


Range Strength Dam Save
36" 5 1 -3


Shooting: The Jezzail takes a complete turn to reload, in addition the Jezzail is a cumbersome weapon that may not be moved and fired in the same turn.

Jezzail rest: If the Jezzail is fired without the Carrier providing the rest the shot is at -1 to hit, however the Engineer may use a window, fence, wall or other rest instead. The Carrier must be in basecontact and infront of the Engineer to be able to provide the rest.


Many Warlocks carry the compact Warplock Pistol for their personal protection. Its punch is as great as the Jezzail but the range and strength is that of a pistol.

Range Strength Dam Save
10" 5 1 -3


Shooting: The Warplock Pistol takes a full turn to reload so you may only fire it every other turn, if you have a brace of pistols you may fire every turn. All rules that apply to a normal pistol applies to the Warplock Pistol as well.


The Warpfire Thrower is a device that projects a flaming corrosive mixture, using Warpstone in conjunction with other chemicals and magic creates this volatile mixture. It is crewed by an Engineers that fires the weapon and a Clanrat to carry and pump the barrel of Warpfuel. This much-feared weapon is extremely deadly to both its foes and crew!

Range Strength Dam Save
Large Template 5 1 -2


Movement: The fuel barrel is heavy and cumbersome so the weapon cannot be moved and fired in the same turn. Further the movement is restricted to moving only, no running or charging.

Unstable fuel: The fuel is highly unstable and the barrel is moved too fast or over bumpy terrain there is a great chanse that the fuel will ignite. The fuel barrel will explode on the D6 roll of 4+ if it is moved 9" or more in one turn or moved over difficult terrain. If the fuel explodes the crew and all models within 2" will take a D3 hits as if hit by the Warp Fire Throwers template.

Shooting: To fire the Warp Fire Thrower place the large teardrop template with the small end in base contact with the Engineer and the round end in the direction you wish to fire. Each model completely covered by the template is hit and models that are touching the template are hit on 4+. Each model hit takes a S5 hit with -2 armour save and may be set on fire. Once fired it takes a complete turn to build up the pressure for another shot.

Hand-to-hand combat: The crew of the Warp Fire Thrower are encumbered and fights with a penalty of -1 to WS. If a critical hit is scored on the Skaven carrying the fuel barrel the fuel barrel explodes on a D6 roll of 4+, just as if the barrel was moved 9" or more in one move.

Set on fire: Roll a D6 per model hit by the template a roll of 4+ set the model on fire and runs around screaming waving his blazing arms. A model on fire will move D6+3" in a random direction in its Movement Phase but may do nothing else. A model that is frenzied ignores the fire and may move and fight as normal, but will still take further damage. In the Recovery Phase roll a D6 and add +1 per friendly model in base contact that helps beat out the flames, on the roll of 6+ the fire is put out. If the fire is not put out the model takes a S5 hit with no armour save and the fire continues to burn. Test to see if the fire goes out in each Recovery Phase until the fire is out or the model goes Out of Action due to the damage sustained.


The Poison Wind is one of Clan Skryre's most infamous weapons, it is a poisonous gas created from Warpstone. It is normally sealed in a glass or crystal sphere and when the globe is shattered a noxious cloud of yellowish-green vapour billows out to fill the area around it with a deadly, choking gas. The Globadiers wear protective breathing devices but unprotected victims are not so lucky as the gas blisters the lungs and throat of anything that breathes it.


Shooting: A globe may be thrown up to a distance of 2+(Sx2)", but it will automatically deviate D3" in a random direction. If the scatter dice comes up a hit then the globe did in fact hit the mark and doesn't deviate, note that you don't roll to hit as normal.

Damage: Place the small template where the globe hit and each model touched by the template must roll equal to or under T or take a wound at +2 on the injury table or D6+3 if using the alternative combat system. Engineers only take a wound if they roll a 6 as they wear protective breathing masks.

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