By Tommy "Punk" Fransson

"Itz time fer a bashing!"

The Greenskins have been drawn to Mordheim along with the mercenaries. The meteor caught many eyes attention, and as the rumour spread more Orcs figured out that there would be a great bashing in that city and they wanted in on it. However with all the Empire Elector counts armies out there the largest tribes ran into enough fighting to keep them happy. Only the smallest tribes did get through to the city but they are enjoying themselves in the streets looting and looking for a fight.

"Did dey fink dey kould leave uz out uv da bashing? 'ar 'ar we will show dem puny hoomiez how ter fight. Wotz dat dey fight ova sum stonez? Who karez letz giv dem a good bashing!"



A Greenskin warband must include a minimum of 3 models. You have 500 Loot Points to gather and equip your warband. Maximum number of models in the warband is 20.

Boss Your warband must include a Boss to lead it.
Big´uns Your warband may include up to 4 Big´Uns.
´Ard Boys Your warband may include any number of ´Ard Boys.
Arrer Boys Your warband may include any number of Arrer Boys.
Stikka Gobbos No more than half your warband may be Arrer Gobbos or Stikka Gobbos.
Arrer Gobbos No more than half your warband may be Arrer Gobbos or Stikka Gobbos.
Ogre Your warband may include a single Ogre


Weedy Gobbos: Every Orc know that the Gobbos will run away just when the fun starts. Orcs do not need to test for panic caused by Gobbos.



BOSS................70 Loot points

You are the hardest Orc in the tribe and without you bossing the others around they would run away and get into trouble.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
Boss 4 4 4 3 4 1 3 1 8

Weapons and armour: The Boss may be equiped from the Bash Equipment list.


Leader: Any model within 6" of the Boss may use his Leadership characteristic when taking any Leadership tests.

0-4 BIG´UNS....................30 Loot points to gather

These are the hardest boys in the tribe, except for the boss but thats why he is the boss, and they always appreciate a good bashing. They carry the best looted weapons and armour simple because it would be irresponsible to let the weaker boys have them, but more so because they are stronger and say so.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
Big ´Un 4 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 7

Weapons and armour: Big ´Uns may be equipped from the Bash Equipment list.


HENCHMEN (Bought in groups of 1-5)

´ARD BOYS..................30 Loot points to gather

These are the Orcs that have joined the tribe and they are happily drinking fungus beer and bashing each other until they get the chance to bash someone else. If the Boss don't lead them to enough bashing they will wander off in search of another Boss to lead them to a good bashing.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
´Ard Boy 4 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 7

Weapons and armour: ´Ard Boys may be equiped from the Bash Equipment list.

ARRER BOYS......................30 Loot points to gather

Orcs appreciate the weight of an axe or sword in the hand and even more so to swing it against someone else. Some Orcs have figured out that if they shoot the others with arrers first and then bash them it will be a lot easier. Of course the ´Ard Boys and Big´Uns shun upon such deep thinking.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
Arrer Boy 4 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 7

Weapons and armour: Arrer Boys may be equiped from the Arrer Equipment list.

STIKKA GOBBOS................10 Loot points to gather

Although the tribe consists of the Orcs they always include the smaller and weaker Gobbos to fetch things, why stand and get someone when you can bash a Gobbos head and he will get it for you? The Gobbos are no match for the larger and stronger Orcs but they are also lazy and will always try to make it slow or run away. Since the Orcs have such a short attention span they will often have forgotten that they asked that Gobbo to fetch them more Fungus beer.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
Gobbo 4 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 5

Weapons and armour: Stikka Gobbos may be equiped from the Bash Equipment list.

ARRER GOBBOS......................10 Loot points to gather

While many Orcs believe that a real Orc goes up close to bash someone the Gobbos are clever enough to see that if you stand back and shoot the enemy they will not get you before you have the chance to run away. Gobbos are small and weak and know to keep behind the Orcs and let them bash the enemies heads. "Rather them then us". That is also the reason why Gobbos remain in the tribe, the Orcs may eat almost all the food but they will at least leave some crumbs for the Gobbos to fight about.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
Gobbo 4 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 5

Weapons and armour: Arrer Gobbos may be equiped from the Arrer Equipment list.

0-1 OGRE....................200 Loot points to attract

Occasionally an Ogre will join up with a tribe for the opportunity to gather loot. The Orcs accept this, for no other reason than that the Ogre is bigger than them. The Orcs know to respect strength and if you don't respect strength the inevitable blow will hurt.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
Ogre 6 3 2 4 5 3 3 2 7

Weapons and armour: The Ogre may be equiped from the Bash Equipment list.


Fear: The Ogre causes Fear.



Hand-to-hand combat weapons:
Dagger (1st free) 2 LP
Club 3 LP
Axe 5 LP
Sword 5 LP
Halberd 10 LP
Spear 10 LP
Morning Star 10 LP
Flail 15 LP
Double-handed weapon 15 LP
Missile weapons:
Shield 5 LP
Helmet 10 LP
Light Armour 20 LP
Heavy Armour (Heroes only) 50 LP


Hand-to-hand combat weapons:
Dagger (1st free) 2 LP
Club 3 LP
Axe 5 LP
Sword 5 LP
Missile weapons:
Short bow 5 LP
Bow 10 LP
Crossbow (Boys only) 25 LP
Helmet 10 LP
Light Armour 20 LP



In this warband list I deliberatly excluded special troops or rules such as Savage Orcs with Frenzy or Night Goblins Hatred. You are not forbidden to use these in your tribe there just aren't any special rules for them. In fact when I designed this warband I was looking at just the Savage Orc and Night Goblin models for inspiration. The Savage Orcs are very easy to convert to other weapons and the Night Goblins and Goblins already come with a wide range of weapons.

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