HIGH ELF WARBANDBy Tommy "Punk" FranssonThe High Elves are the greatest seafaring nation with their ocean-going vessels, the proud Eagleships and sleek Hawkships. Although these are warships they are often used as merchantships as well. The danger of Norse pirates or Dark Elf warships is an ever present danger and the ships need to be able to defend themselves. On board the ship are elven soldiers belonging to the merchant family or hired in to protect the ship. The ship have enough armed warriors to stage small expeditions into unknown land such as Lustria with its fabled riches. When the merchants trade in the cities of the Old World by tradition other elves follow up leads to lost elven treasures or inspect old elven ruins. Sometimes they are attacked and a bitter fight will erupt among the ruins or even below the ground in forgotten catacombs. Many peasants see the pointy-eared elves as daemons while the silver armour and gemstones catch the attention of wandering bandits or even Chaos Warbands.
CHOICE OF WARRIORS A High Elf Warband must include a minimum of 3 models. You have 500 Gold Crowns to recruit and equip your warband. Maximum number of models in the warband is 12.
HEROES NOBLE.....................80 Gold Crowns The Nobles of Ulthuan share a strong military tradition and they are trained from an early age to become expert riders and warriors. The Elven word for a noble is Ithiltaen, which means silver helm. The word refers to the distinct tall and shining helmets the nobles wear, these helmets are often decorated with feathers or crests.
Weapons and armour: The Noble may be equipped with weapons and armour from the High Elf Equipment list. SPECIAL RULES Leader: Any High Elf within 6" may use the Nobles Leadership characteristic when taking any Leadership test. 0-2 CHAMPIONS.....................40 Gold Crowns to recruit These veteran soldiers have fought in numerous battles and have often participated in campaigns and wars. They are the toughest warriors on the ship and whenever a battle occour such as repelling pirates or fighting off an ambush in the dense jungle of Lustria they can be found fighting in the first rank. Their shields often display fantastic creatures, such as dragons or sea creatures.
Weapons and armour: The Champions may be equipped with weapons and armour from the High Elf Equipment list. 0-1 YOUNGBLOOD........................30 Gold Crowns to recruit Elves enjoy a long life and in that time they will develop a great skill in their trade, many seamen have been on the same ship since the day it was build several centuries ago. By the side of the seasoned seadogs young elves learn their trade, they are known as Youngbloods and they are eager to proove their worth.
Weapons and armour: The Youngblood may be equipped with weapons and armour from the High Elf Equipment list. 0-1 MINSTREL................30 Gold Crowns to hire The elves love all forms of art and music, the High Elves more so than others. Almost all elven ships carry with them minstrels who are to entertain the crew. Many nobles that have joined an expedition bring with them their own minstrels that are to compose ballads of their adventures.
Weapons and armour: The Minstrel may be equipped with weapons and armour from the High Elf Equipment list.
HENCHMEN (bought in groups of 1-5 models) WARRIORS.......................40 Gold Crowns to recruit The merchant families employ soldiers to guard their ships. Although due to the citizen levy system all elves can pick up a sword, axe, spear or bow and use it in times of need so the distinction between a soldier and a seaman on an elven merchant ship is slim. The elves carry sword and axes that have been handed down through generation, they also use 7 feet tall spears and powerful bows.
Weapons and armour: The Warriors may be equipped with weapons and armour from the High Elf Equipment list.
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