Brendor - The Pyromaniac

by Steven Hart

Morba Heinshcrit had only left the church for ten minutes, that was all. He had to attend to some morning chores and now this.
The sigmarite priest looked up at his beloved church, now fully ablaze and winced. Slowly turning his head to focus on the boy. Feeling his blood boil, he looked at the thin wreched priest addept now wiping the soot from his robe and singed hair.


Brendor spent much of his early life moving from one church to the other, he was an orphan who had tried his ardest to learn to be a priest of sigmar, but unfortunatly whereever he went so did the accidents. The strange thing is that they all included fire somewhere and he never remembered starting them. It was not long before he was exiled from the church as an annoyance and with nowhere to go he set of to the festivals at Mordheim. When he got there he found desolate ruins and greedy warriors. With no money and little food he decided to preach the ways of sigmar and help whoever he could.

Brendor is a young ex-priest who has somehow like all the other freaks of nature been drawn to Mordheim. Little does he know that his subconcious actually wields magical powers which he himself cannot control.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Brendor 4 3 3 3 4 1 3 1 7

Sword and dagger

Special skills

Pyromaniac :- little does he know it but fire always follows him. As a result of this any game that Brendor participates in must us the Fire rules

Magic :- Brendor has magical abbilities that he can only use in self defence. Whenever a model charges him Brendor may try to cast the lesser spell fires of U'Zhul at the model before it moves.

30gc start - 10gc upkeep

Brendor is no longer interested in learning and can gain no new skills

Only mercenaries may hire Brendor

Brendor adds a whole 10 pts to a warbands armour rating

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