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The Mordheim Courier

If it's news worth knowin', ye read it here first!

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Mordheim Forums

Tommy Punk's Mordheim Articles
(A Collection of 19 Articles)

Combat System
Break Tests
House Rules
Limiting Wizards
37 Tips for Mercenaries
Spells of Light
Modelling Lustrian Mordheim
The Sewers (Rules and Modelling)
Vampire Additions
Malal, the Renegade God

The Forbidden Square
How to Use Captives in Scenarios
Mordheim's Burning
The Bridge

Warbands For Hire

Elf Rangers by Tuomas
Dwarfs by Tuomas
Stirland Mercenaries
Chaos Dwarf Slaver

Wood Elf
Dwarf Treasure Hunters
Dwarf Slayers
Bretonnian Knights

Tales of Glory and Woe

Bulls of Brahma

Words from
Scribe Tuomas Pirinen

Mordheim News
Mordheim Q&A
The Warbands - Pros & Cons
On Design Principles

It is the year 2000 of our lord Sigmar, and the Empire is in flames. The once-proud realm of the Emperors has fallen into anarchy and intermittent civil war. Centuries of disunity and rivalry has weakened the Empire and demoralized its people.

Fires burn in the tomb-cold night, as bounty hunters and ruthless mercenaries search for Wyrdstone amidst the ruins of the eastern city of Mordheim. All that is left of a once-proud city is blackened ruins, devastated by a comet from the sky. And when the vigilance of the authorities lapses, the traitors and Chaos worshipper gather. Corpses stir as practitioners of the forbidden art of Necromancy emerge drom their hiding places...

ATTENTION! New Weapons

Within this article ye shall find new weapons to use in your battles to gain the precious subsctance known as wyrdstone.

New Weapons for Mordheim

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Mordheim - Chaos Wastes

The Champion
The Champion's Retinue
Chaos Recognition Table
Fate of the Followers of Chaos

Mordheim - Cities of Gold

New Style Lustria
Old Style Lustria
Amazon Warband I
Amazon Warband II
Amazon Warband III
Slann Warband
Pygmies Warband
Temple Cities

Hired Swords and Dramatis Personae

Hochland Huntmaster
Priests of Morr
Undead Flesh Golem
Questing Knight
Brendor, the Pyromaniac
The Grim Reaper

Beware ye who enter the gates of this accursed city, for Death dances within. Beware the dark, for the shadow holds thy death. Beware the sound in the night, for the call of death rides upon the wind.

Disclaimer: The material in this section is based on the Mordheim - City of the Damned articles and game written by Tuomas Pirinen and published by Games Workshop Ltd. in White Dwarf. All rights to the game and the name Mordheim - City of the Damned are the property of Games Workshop, Ltd.

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