Fate of the Followers of ChaosBy Tommy "Punk" FranssonEventually a Champion of Chaos will have changed to such an extent that he can better serve his his Chaos god in another capacity. At this point the Champion passes from mere mortality and begins again as a Chaos Spawn or a Daemon Prince. It is only possible for a Champion to be raised to the status of a Daemon Prince through the "Eye of God" test in the Reckognition table. There are, on the other hand, many ways of becoming a drooling and mindless Chaos Spawn. Any model becomes a Spawn when it rolles the result "Chaos Spawn" on the Attributes table. A group of follwers becomes a group of Spawns if they receives too many Attributes. A Champion of Chaos becomes a Chaos Spawn when a Toughness, Wounds or Leadership Characteristic drops to under one. A Champion may also be singled out by its Patron Power to serve it as a Chaos Spawn if it has 6 or more Attributes when it roll the result "Eye of God" on the Reckognition Table. A Champion is elevated to Daemonhood if it has 6 or more Rewards and fewer than 6 Attributes when it roll the result "Eye of God" on the Reckognition Table. Chaos SpawnsThe Chaos Spawns are a common sight in the Chaos Wastes and by some remaining mind they are drawned towards battle. Many Warbands retain Chaos Spawn to ride or pull chariots or herd them into battle. The great incursions of Chaos is heralded by numerous scores of Chaos Spawn surging down from the north and the villages in the north has learned to fear the sudden appearence of many Chaos Spawns. When a model turns into a Chaos Spawn generate a further 6 Chaos Attributes for the Spawn and apply their effect. This will turn the model into a creature with many weird mutations. If a result should turn the model into a Chaos Spawn stop rolling any further Attributes. The Spawn looses all equipment that it had, but a Chaos Weapon may be taken up by the warbands Champion. The Spawn is subject to Stupidity but is otherwise immune to Physology and cannot be broken. The Spawn always moves a randomly determined 2D6". The Spawns move is not doubled for marching or charges, if it moves into base contact with a unit it has charged. In addition the Spawn causes fear. Archive Skaven |