Undead Hired Sword - Flesh Golem

by Tuff Git

Flesh Golem; Undead Henchman
Cost: 70 GC's with an upkeep of 10 Gc's

The Flesh Golem is a construct created by a necromancer using both Dark magic and Arcane science.  The Flesh Golem is created with parts of bodies collected by the dregs from cemetaries and slain corpses in the streets of mordheim. These are then looked over and selected by the Necromancer and put together to form a complete body.

The Necromancer then applies his knowledge of science and magic to bring this creature to a state of semi-life. This is a long and drawn out process, which involves a fair amount of maintenance, so the Necromancer may only maintain one Flesh Golem at a time.

The Flesh Golems in many ways resemble zombies, but they maintain a level of awareness beyond that of zombies but not quite on the level of a vampire on even an actual living creature. They can learn to use hand weapons, and even missle weapons, but they have dreadful concentration, so this is generally a bad idea.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Flesh Golem 4 3 0 4 4 3 2 2 6

The Flesh Golem may be armed with any of the weapons on the undead equipment list.

Special Rules:

Immune to psychology: the Flesh Golem is in a state somewhere between living and dead, so is unusually slow to react to danger. For this reason the creature is immune to any psychology except for the fact that it will fear any model that has a torch or other form of fire (including the skaven spell warpfire).

Causes Fear: The Flesh Golem is a large and imposing physical figure, as well as being highly unnatural. for this reason the Flesh Golem causes fear. (It should be noted that this does not make him immune to the fear he feels from Fire)

Feel No Pain: The Flesh Golem is not truly alive, and is far more resiliant to damage than a living creature. For this reason he treats "stunned" results as "knocked down" on the injury chart.

Sluggish advance: The Flesh Golem is not truly alive, so does not feel a sense of urgency, and therefore may not run. (It still charges as normal)

Limited intellect: The Flesh Golem may learn and improve it's control over it's body, but may never learn new skills. The Flesh Golem must re-roll any "that lads got talent" results on the henchmen experience tables.

Bound Creature: The Flesh Golem is a creation of the necromancer and is completely bound to his will. The Flesh Golem never uses the leadership of the Vampire, but instead recognizes the Necromancer as his master, and may use the necromancers leadership if he is
within 6".

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