Hired Swords - Demolitionists

by Todd Luikart

Dwarf Sapper
75 GC to hire- No upkeep cost: One fee-one job.

Dwarf sappers are legendary in the Old World for their mining and demolition abilites. Stern warriors and careful  tacticians, they are always professionals. On occasion they will hire themselves out to the Umgi. As long as they see the gold upfront, that is.

May he hired: Any warband except skaven, undead and the possessed may hire a Dwarf Sapper.

Rating: Sapper increases the warband's rating by +25.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Sapper 3 3 4 3 4 1 3 1 9

Equipment: Handgun, brace of pistols, & superior black powder.

Special Rules:

Demolition Expert: Dwarf Sappers are legendary for their ability to remove obstacles (for the right price). Secretly nominate a piece of terrain before the battle, and write it down. The Sapper can light  the fuse from anywhere on the battlefield at the start of either player's shooting phase. Roll on the following chart:

1- Fuse goes out near the target, Sapper must get within 8" to relight.
2- Fuse goes out, try again next turn.
3-5- Like clockwork, blows at the start of the next shooting phase.
6- Fast fuse. Building blows this turn.

The terrain piece is leveled. Remove it or replace it with craters.  All models on or inside the piece succeed at an initiative test or suffer a D3 STR. 5 Wounds. Models on the second level or above must also take a falling test.

Skills: Sappers are always in demand. They don't gain experience. One fee-one job.


Human Demolitionist
60gc to hire

Not nearly as discriminating as a dwarf sapper, he'll work for anybody.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Demolitionist 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 7

Crazy bastard: Must be within building to set fuses off.

1-2: Fuse goes out, must be relit.
2-4: Blows next turn.
5-6: Blows right now.

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