by Tuomas Pirinen

(1) Does anyone know if there will me more warbands released in the future?  White Dwarf articles or something like that.

WD 240 has the Dwarfs, I think. That's the first one.

(2) Why is the Witch Hunter warband limited to 12 models while most of the others have a limit of 15 or more?  They don't seem to have any real advantage in stats compared to any other group so why are they lower?  Perhaps I am missing something.

Because the Witch Hunters move in small bands. Get a Halfling cook for them. He gives +1 to the size of the warband.

(3) Can you really climb up a wall and then charge someone?  We made a house rule that said you can't, but is there something official.

You can, as otherwise buildings would be too good positions.

There are a number of items that say they add +1 to the injury chart roll.

Am I correct that this refers to the roll in the back of the book after the battle to determine what happened to the warrior,

No, that's the SERIOUS injury chart. Would be really difficult to remember as well.

or is this for the roll to see if the warrior is taken out of action, knocked down, or stunned?


When calculating a Warband rating, do we multiply the number of xp a henchmen group has by the number of members in the group before we add it to the Warband xp total?

Yes, indeed.

Do we keep track of how many xp things like Rat Ogres would have accumulated?


It says they can't gain experience under the listing in the rulebook, yet the FAQ on the GW site says that a Rat Ogre adds 20 to the Warband rating plus xp if they have any.

Somebody at US made a mistake happens all the time. I did allow Rat Ogres to gain exp. before. Boy was that a mistake... US lads might still think about that.

Do we keep track of xp for animals and such and have it raise our Warband rating even though it doesn't gain us anything?

No. Would be tedious and unfair.

Does any one happen to know if GW is going to sell scenery for Mordheim soon? I'd really like to know if they are only going to sell the plastic corner pieces (which I'd like very much for them to do), or are they going to put the cardboard pieces in there too?

We are going to release a building pack 'Blood on Streets' in few months, with same amount of buildings (though different) than the ones in the game. In addition, Mail Order will sell the plastics. Expect to see them in other building packs as well.

Q. Which equipment lists do Skaven Nightrunners Use?  Heroes or Henchmen?

The problem is that the white dwarf battle report clearly has both night runners armed with throwing stars - weapons only available on the heroes list.

Also the article by gareth hamilton also has a nightrunner armed with fighting claws - also only available on the heroes list.

So is it a misprint or is the henchmen list wrong?

Misprint. Gareth was using playtest rules, and Mark Bedford only plays ocassionally and sometimes makes little mistakes - don't be too hard on them.

Do the H2H rules that apply to Blackpowder pistols apply to Warplock Pistols?

Yes. Pistol is a pistol.

Are we allowed to break up henchman groups into smaller ones? I'm asking because I want to know if once I have a group of five who have experience and want to add another henchman, can I break the five up into a group of three and two so I can recruit a new henchman into one of those groups rather than recruiting an unexperienced henchman?

No the limit is in place to stop experienced warbands gaining even more powerful warriors with just money.

In the Skaven section the Equipment List (page 91) has the Blowpipe as 30gc.  However, on the description in "Skaven special Equipment" (page 92) the  Blowpipe is listed as 25 gc. Anyone know which is correct? Tuomas?

25 (I need to flog my editors).

The title says it all. Why do the witch hunters hate the Sisters of Sigmar so much? I would have thought that the two groups would be rather close in philosophy. admittedly I just got my copy last night so I have only done preliminary skimming on the fluff.. It seems the WH think the SoS worship deamons? I understand that the WH think that EVERYBODY is corrupt but why the special anamosity to the SoS?

Because they are Templars of Sigmar as well, and as a male god, they see the Sisterhood as the ultimate offence to the divinty of Sigmar. Daemon at least openly opposes Sigmar. Sister 'hide in the cloak of Piousness'. Remember that the Enemy Within is always worse than Enemy Without.


1. Under Giant Rats (p.95) is: "Pack Size: You can recruit as many Giant Rats as you wish." What does this mean? Can I have more than 20? No other answer seems to make sense. Since rats cannot get experience, there is no special benefit to having large groups of them. If it really just means that the Henchmen Group does not have to be 1-5 models, then why make this a special rule at all? Is there a benefit, beyond experience, to having large Henchmen Groups?

- It takes up less room on the warband roster sheet. Pragmatic and simple.

2. Tail Fighting allows the model to use a shield, yet Skaven Heroes cannot get shields. How can this skill be used?

- Darn, I knew I should have corrected that (-Tuomas). Oh well... yes, you are right - Skaven Heroes cannot use shields.

3. A model with Fighting Claws may not use any other weapons for the entire battle. I assume that there is no exception for a model with Tail Fighting? The word "any" seems pretty exclusive.

- With Tail Fighting, you can have an additional weapon (hooray!).

4. Night Runners take equipment from the Henchmen Equipment lists, even though they are Heroes. Is this correct or are they supposed to draw their equipment from the from the Heroes lists?

- No, this is the truth. But being able to get a parry, a reroll and an additional attack on your Heroes that can take Fighting Claws isn't that bad.

Hired Swords

1. The Dwarf Troll Slayer has Ferocious Charge which doubles his attacks when charging but at the cost of a -1 to hit penalty. This penalty is negated by his other skill Berserker which give +1 to hit when charging, What's the point? Why have modifiers at all or is one of them incorrect?

- They are both correct. It is not required that skills be used in most cases. The Troll Slayer could opt to not use Ferocious Charge if he thought the opponent wasn't nasty enough to warrant it or if he jsut really wanted to make sure that his fewer number of attacks actually hit.


1. Rat Ogres and other large creatures are worth 20 points on a warband's rating. To calculate this same rating, the formula is 5x the number of models in the warband. Does this mean large creatures are, in effect, worth more on the rating?

- No, they only count as 20 (plus XP if any).

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