by Tuomas Pirinen

Now what I'd like to see:
- More warbands of different races (I'm happy, but it would be nice to draw others in)

3 Warbands are on their way for WD: Beastmen, Dwarfs and Orcs.

- Campaign events (In my mind, one of the more interesting aspects of Necromunda)

In 3rd Town Cryer, I think...

- More Scenarios (White Dwarf, etc. in fine of course)

Coming up!

I have myself already planned a 6-month support for WD already, and there are already couple of minis that did not make it to the book on time, and I WILL make rules for them. I also want to make Town Cryer an independent magazine, and publish rules for alternative skirmish settings.

it is the first issue of Town Cryer so it will become more useful in future WD's (at least I hope so).

Yes, rule add-ons, extra optional rules etc. start in next issue (WD239).

Will any others (brettonian, tilean, dark elf, ect...) be showing up in oneform or another?

Orc, Dwarf and Beastmen warband lists are already written and ready for release in future WDs. There are also plenty of Hired swords on the pipeline. But really, the Mordheim system can accomodate pretty much any race at all.

Will Town Cryer become an independent paid magazine ala WD with subscription   rates and adds or more like a free brochure Mordheim players can pick up at   their local GW shop?

Independent mag. I think the size of a gang war but with more 'offical' articles would be ideal -just like WD.


ALL the troops types will be released: There will be models for all the hired swords and all the warbands. So yes, warhounds, warrior priest, Witch Hunters, Possessed, Darksouls, Magisters, zealots, new Flagellants, brethren, Dregs, Middenheimers (inc. Youngbloods and Champions), new Beastmen, and a Necromancer will all be released.

The only exceptions are the Ghouls (though I think we might have couple of new ones for Mordheim), Zombies (the plastics are perfect), Giant rats and Dire Wolves. We also will do some new mutants,as we had some problems with the first ones that were made. If anyone has some specific questions, just ask.

Back to Mordheim.

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