By Tommy Punk

The typical Temple City occupies a clearing in the jungle, and is often bordered by swamps. The paved roads that lead into the city often cross over these swamps by means of paved causeways. In turn the roads and causeways are flanked by avenues of lizarddaemon statues, carved from massive blocks of stone. Most of the temple cities are somewhat ruined or neglected and the jungle often intrudes on the paved roads and covers the statues in vines.

The causeways become processional ways as they proceed into the heart of the city. They are lined with carved stone stele covered in sculptured scenes and glyphs recording various events, myths or rituals important to the Lizardmen inhabitants. The roads may pass between tall obelisks which are positioned to define the alignment of the axis of the city on various stars and planets. At the heart of the city is a great paved plaza. The pyramid temples face onto the plaza from all sides. This place is where the population gathered to observe rituals and where the army of the city paraded before marching off to battle.

The pyramid temples rise up in platforms, giving a stepped appearance. The temple itself is located on the flat topmost step and one or more staircases ascend the pyramid. The pyramids are built from white stone that gleam in the sun and are decorated with sculptures painted in striking colours and strange carvings depicting glyphs. The treasure sought by the plunderers can be found inside and below the pyramid temples, located in chambers or lining corridors. However the golden plaques, that tell of the Old Ones' plan, are protected by traps and located behind hidden passages.

The barrios of the Skinks form the suburbs of the city. Here the Skinks lived and pursued their craft of making the artifacts of Lizardman civilization. There were many types of craftsmen here: the makers of scrolls, beaters of copper, brewers of intoxicating potions and the sculptors of glyphs, as well as vast numbers of workers, skilled and unskilled, and their overseers. These clusters of small houses, courtyards and workshops were crowded and full of activity with Skinks scurrying about attending a various tasks. In many cases vast quantities of gold can be found in the workshops of Skink glyph-sculptors. The glyphs are made of gold for its shining surface, but the precious metal was otherwise seen as useless.


Nick Davis' Jungle Fever articles in WD 223, 225 and 232 offer loads of ideas to make a Lizardman city and it will not be that hard to make ruins using those ideas. Also the new 40K jungle terrain looks quite good and is sold seperately so you can really make a nice jungle or place jungle trees on the bases of lizzardmen buildings. I made a few ruin bases myself using the doorframes from Warhammer quest. I glued one or two to a base of cardboard, covered most of it in tvines made from plastic aquarium plants and some lichen around the edges to flesh it out. I cut a few frames in two to place as single pillars or lying down, to give the piece that half-ruined look. They turned out pretty good.

However not everyone want to build all that jungle/city terrain and a good and cheap alternative is Lego. You can also use books to create stepped pyramids or upside turned boxes as houses. The following is a little story from Eric Ostermann that really illustrates the good use of alternative "terrain".

"As both me and my wife are playing Warhammer I am lucky to come home and see the dining room table frequently already set up with lego houses, lego walls, and blue cloths as water, green ones as forest areas and overturned bowls as hills. But last night my wife created a whole Temple City. The Slann had a huge flat topped pyramid in the city center to stand on and he could see the whole city from his vantage point. She had made walls, city sectors, market places and best of all my sons newest block set had dino's and she mounted these on pillars to make cool obelisks and stuff. It looked very Aztec like, it was breathtaking. Her and the kids worked all afternoon on it. Fighting city block to city block was fun, a city street could only fit 5 models across so it was a lot of brutal hand to hand combat as well as archers on the rooftops. Also, you'll love this, a cloth covered parts of the city which were only unveiled as I moved troops through it. Talk about dead end alleys and such. You can use many items on hand and still enjoy the game. They might not look as real, but imagination goes a long way and legos are easy to assemble/ disassemble due to damage, and best of all very inexpensive. I only wish I had pictures..."

Plaugelord Lepri of Clan Pestilen
Tommy Punk - UIN: 9946419 - Kalmar, Sweden
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