Hired Sword - Questing
Ok, here is my first attempt at the Questing Knightas a hired sword.
As far as skills, as there have been numerous Knightly Skill lists posted, rather
than specify one of them, I just leave it open that he can choose from whatever list your
group happens to use.
I decided on no squire, but did add in some nasty little hooks regarding his
leaving. Depending on how much complexity they add, I might drop them.
Questing Knight
100 Gold Crowns to hire(gift to charity) + 25 maintenance(gift to charity)
A Questing Knight is searching for the Grail. On his journey, he will be set many tasks
to overcome, and sacred items to retrieve. Some Questing Knights find their way to
Mordheim, for what purpose even they cannot say other than to tell all 'The Lady Wills
it'. At times, they may join with a band in order to continue their search.
Profile |
M |
WS |
BS |
S |
T |
W |
I |
A |
Ld |
Knight |
4 |
4 |
3 |
4 |
3 |
1 |
4 |
1 |
8 |
Equipment: Heavy Armor, Shield, Great Helm(gives a 3+ special save for
stunning), Blessed Broadsword(+1 to hit, counts as magical)
If using optional rules for horses, the QK will have a warhorse. If using optional
rules for Bretonnian Warhorse, he will have a Bretonnian Warhorse instead. If using
optional rules for barding, the QK's horse wears barding.
Purchasing additional equipment:
(Note if his Great Helm or Blessed Broadsword are lost, they cannot be recovered in
Sword, Hammer, Mace, Morning Star, Double Handed sword, Double handed hammer
A Questing knight may use the following armor: Heavy Armor, Helmet, Shield
Special rules:
The Ladies Prayer - the questing knight prayers to the lady before
joining battle. If the warband he is with is the defender in the scenario, all shooting at
the Questing Knight is at -1 to hit him to represent the protection granted by the lady (a
momentary burst of sunlight off his gleaming armor distracts them, a sudden burst of wind
blows the missile off course, etc).
Immune to Panic - a questing knight never panics, as such he does not
have to take 'Stand Alone' tests
Chivalric Code
1) A questing knight will not strike a fellow Bretonnian Knight, as such he will never
charge a Bretonnian Knight and if charged by a Bretonnian Knight, will always strike last
in the first round of combat (the may parry though). In addition, the Questing Knight will
hate the Bretonnian Knight for the remainder of the combat, including the first
round of combat, and for that battle will now be willing to charge the knight.
2) A questing knight will never strike a downed foe(knocked down or stunned)
3) A questing knight will never use missile weapons, not even thrown missile weapons!
Honorable Warfare Rules
1)A Questing Knight will never use poison
2) A Questing Knight will never use drugs
After every battle, roll a d6, if a 6 or better is rolled the Questing Knight has had a
vision and must leave the party, never to return. If the party he is with is Bretonnian,
and the Knights in the party have broken the chivalric code in the last battle, add +1 to
his roll for each item broken(+3 maximum as there are 3 items in the code). In addition,
if anyone in the warband breaks an honorable warfare rule, add 1 to the die roll(+2
maximum) regardless of what kind of warband he is in.
Inspiring leader:
The Questing Knight is an inspiring leader, as such, when he leaves one of your henchman
may decide to follow him and act as his squire. Roll a d6, if you roll a 5+ a henchman
will go with him, pick any henchman. The Knight will insist the henchman leaves any
of the parties equipment behind (no stealing!) so only the henchman leaves, not his
Skills: A Questing Knight may select skills from the Bretonnian
Knightly Skills chart. He may also select skills from any 2 additional skill
lists(selected at the time he is hired by the player). This is due to the fact that every
Questing Knight is different, some may be Academically inclined, while others are more
oriented towards Hand to Hand combat.
Hiring: A questing knight may be hired by any band except Chaos,
Undead, and Skaven (ie any non-'evil' band)
Experience: ???
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