By Tommy Punk

Slann are amphibians, their bodies are thin with long limbs and webbed hands and feet. Their heads are large and frog-like with protruding eyes. Skin colors vary from green, blue, and sometimes yellow. In some areas they are mottled or carry black or dark red "tiger-stripes." Slann tribesmen, especially the Warriors or Braves as they are called, often wear war-paint as well as ritual or tribal tattoos. Paint colors follow traditional patterns which vary from tribe to tribe. Light blues, reds, and white are the most common pigments. Warbands do not use uniforms, but adopt a system of paint schemes with which they cover their faces and bodies. Red, yellow, white and black are the most commonly used colors, contrasting vividly with the green skin of the Slann themselves.



A Slann warband must include a minimum of 3 models. You have 500 Tokens which you can use to recruit and equip your warband. The maximum number of models in the warband is 8. You need to include at least one Henchmen group of Braves. All models are equipped with an Energy field (see Slann Equipment).


1 Warleader
0-2 Specialist Braves


Any number of Braves



WARLEADER at 95 Tokens

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
Slann Warleader 4 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 8

Weapons and armour. The Warleader is equipped with an Energy field and a dagger, he may have additional equipment from the Warleader Equipment list. In addition he can be upgraded to a Psyker at an additional cost, a psyker is the same as a wizard and all rules apply. A magic level of 1 cost +20 Tokens and a magic level of 2 cost +50 tokens.


LEADER: Any warrior within 6" of the Slann Warleader may use his Leadership characteristic when taking any Leadership tests.



Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
Slann Brave 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

Weapons and armour. The Braves are equipped with an Energy field and a dagger, they may have additional equipment from the Specialist Braves Equipment list.



(bought in groups of 1-5 models)

Braves at 60 Tokens

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
Slann Brave 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

Weapons and armour. The Braves are equipped with an Energy field and a dagger, they may have additional equipment from the Braves Equipment list.




Dagger (first free) 2 Tokens
Mace 3 Tokens
Sword 5 Tokens
Axe 5 Tokens
Power axe 15 Tokens
Power Sword 15 Tokens
Force Weapon
(if Psyker)
25 Tokens


Energy Pistol 25 Tokens
Energy Rifle 35 Tokens


Dagger (first free) 2 Tokens
Mace 3 Tokens
Sword 5 Tokens
Axe 5 Tokens
Energy Pistol 25 Tokens
Energy Rifle 35 Tokens
Needle Rifle 35 Tokens
Neuro-Distruptor 50 Tokens


Dagger (first free) 2 Tokens
Mace 3 Tokens
Sword 5 Tokens
Axe 5 Tokens
Energy Pistol 25 Tokens
Energy Rifle 35 Tokens



Force Weapon

Strength As user.
Save No save allowed.
Special The mage may increase his S by expanding MPs before he rolls to hit. Each MP spent increases the S of all attacks made in this HTH phase by +1. The MPs spent count towards the total accumulated MPs. Note that this uses the rules in my own Magic System.
Hands Singlehanded

Power Sword

Strength 5
Save No save allowed.
Special May parry.
Hands Singlehanded.

Power Axe

Strength 5/6
Save No save allowed.
Special S5 if used with one hand and S6 if used with both hands.
Hands May be used both singlehanded and doublehanded.

Energy pistol

Strength 5
Range 24"
Save No save allowed.
Special The pistol is not a move and fire weapon.
Hands Singlehanded

Energy Rifle

Strength 5
Range 36"
Save No save allowed.
Special The rifle is not a move and fire weapon.
Hands Doublehanded

Needle rifle

Strength Special
Range 48"
Save +1 (the needle is stopped by even thick cloth so the save is increased. A model with no save get a 6+ save)
Special The rifle is not a move and fire weapon. Special to wound table.
Hands Doublehanded

The Needle rifle fire small toxin needles. If a hit is not saved the toxin will work and most likely take the target out. However the toxin is not that effective against enduring creatures such as Greenskins or Dwarfs. If the save is failed roll on the following table to see what effect the toxin have:

D6 Toxin effect table
0-1 No effect. The toxin failed to take the target out.
2 Stunned
3+ Out of action.

The toxin have no effect on Undeads or Daemons. Greenskins, Dwarfs, Ogres, Skaven, Rat Ogres and Trolls subtract -1 from the score.


The Neuro-disruptor is a weapon worn like a gauntlet that let the wearer send out shockwaves in an attempt to paralyze their targets mind. The weapon can be used both in close combat and as a ranged weapon. When used as a ranged weapon place a small teardrop template (eg Pestilen Breath template) in basecontact with the wearer and the broad end anywhere that you can see. Any model completely under the template are hit and are automatically stunned, models not completely covered are only stunnded on the roll of 4+. In close combat roll to hit as normal and if any hits are scored the model is stunned and taken out of action. The Neuro-disruptor may not be used in conjunction with another weapon to gain extra attacks but an extra weapon may be used for defense, eg a sword to parry with.

Energy field

The amulett creates an energy field that deflects hits. The field grants a save of 3+ that is not modified by the attacks saving throw modifier. When the field deflects an attack a bright halo will flash for a moment.

Plaugelord Lepri of Clan Pestilen
Tommy Punk - UIN: 9946419 - Kalmar, Sweden
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Archive Pestilen

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