House Rules

by Tommy Punk

I have been playing quite alot of City of the Damned fights and I have come up with a number of house rules. We almost always fight multi part combat and we resolve those by each player rolling a D20 at the start of a turn then each player makes his actions starting with the highest.

We have introduced a bottle test similiar to necromunda. In the recovery phase after you have recovered models if 50% of your models are still knocked down or out of action you must test on your leaders LD and if you fail your warband flees the battlefield and are immediately removed. If the leader is knocked down or out of action test on the next highest LD but at -2 to represent the lower morale of the leaderless warband.

We also introduced a fast and simple system to handle loot and experience. After the battle each model that was standing up (even if they bottled out) rolls a D6 and if he rolls a 6 he get one roll on the experience table. You may only increase a characteristic once and if you have taken all increases on one line (ie have already S, T and W on result 1-2) you may choose any other line. This removes the massive bookkeeping from Necromunda and Gorkamorka which IMO really slowed the game down.

D6 Experience Table
1-2 Increase Strength, Toughness OR Wounds by +1.
3-4 Increase Weapon Skill, Ballistic skill OR Iniative by +1.
5-6 Increase Leadership, Strength OR Attacks by +1.

Loot is rolled for and used as Gold Crowns, Warpstone Tokens, Fame Points or whatever currency is used. This rule was developed before WD 225 and we used warbands of 150 pts so the conversion to 500 GC system might now work. In the 150 pts system each player rolled a D6 and got that many pts to use to buy equipment or more models using the armylist and its equipment table. If one player was the undisputed winner of a fight, ie the only one with models left standing, he got an additional +D6 pts to reflect him looting the bodies lying around. In the 500 GC system you would get 10+2D6 GC to buy equipment or models using the warbands lists, all models in a group must be armed identically. If one player was the undisputed winner of a fight ge would get another D6+5 GC. You can of course horde the GC and special scenarios should include objects that was worth additional GC to the warband that retrieved them or controlled them ie an armoury or another players camp.

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