Combat Systemby Tommy PunkThis combat system is an update of my previous combat system and uses all the other rules for City of the Damned featured in WD 224 and 225. Its fully compatible with WD 224 and 225. Roll to hit as normal, each hit may cause damage. Roll a D6 and add the attackers Strength then subtract the defenders Toughness and Wounds look up the sum on the Injury Table. You may save as normal with armour. Note that Wounds are never reduced they are a measure of the force needed to bring down the model. Injury Table
Knocked Down Lie the model face up to represent being Knocked Down as opposed to Stunned. In your next turns Recovery Phase the model may stand up and use up to half his normal move, he may not run or charge. While being knocked down the model may not fight and all sucessful hits against a Knocked Down model will take him Out of Action.. An opponent in base contact with a Knocked Down model may move away from combat if he wishes but not if he is still in base contact with a model standing up. If standing up in base contact with an enemy there is HtH but noone count as charging and the standing up model strikes last regardless of weapon or Initative. If you are using the simoultaneous system in the next Recovery Phase the model may stand up on the roll of 4+. He may fight in HtH but need natural 6's to hit. Stunned Turn the model face down as opposed to face up for Knocked Down. A model that is stunned may only crawl up to 2". In the Recovery Phase turn the model face up and treat it as Knocked Down from now on. While being Stunned the model may not fight and a hit directed against, no need to roll to hit, a Stunned model in subsequent turns will take him Out of Action.. An opponent in base contact with a Stunned model may move away from combat if he wishes but not if he is still in base contact with a model standing up. If you are using the simoultaneous system in the next Recovery Phase the model may only be turned into Knocked Down on the roll of 4+. A Stunned model may not fight at all. Out of Action The model is removed as he falls uncounsios to the ground. Hammer, staff, mace and club treats a result of 5-6 as stunned. Critical Hits If you roll a natural 6 when rolling To Hit you have caused a Critical Hit which stand a far greater chance of causing damage so roll on the Critical Hit Table to find out the effect. Note that you do not cause a Critical Hit if you needed a 6 to hit at all. Also a natural 6 on the Injury Roll (D6+S) also causes a Critical Hit. If you manage to roll two Critical Hits add the effects together.
Simultaneous System As we almost always fight multi part combat the normal alternating turn system doesnt work. At the start of each turn each player rolls a D20 and place the dice near his rooster sheet. In each phase the player with the highest number moves followed by the next highest number. By rolling the dice in each turn you are never sure when you are going to move and must plan for that. Of course this causes some problems when the rules assume that your opponent gets a full turn before its your turn. The combat system suffers from this but I have added rules for both the Alternating System and the Simultaneous System. Archive Skaven |