by Tuomas Pirinen

"Gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, GOLD, GOLD!"
Skraggi Gunnirsson, Dwarf treasure hunter.

The manlings say that in the ruins there are shards of stone that can turn base metals into gold. What nonsense! But if the Umgi are willing to pay good gold for pieces of rock, who are the Dwarfs to argue? Sharpen your axes, lads, we are going to Mordheim!

Dwarfs are an ancient race, grim as moutains and tough as rocks. They are short but extremely stocky and strong. They are honourable and strong-willed folk, who always repay a favour, and never forget a grudge. From their ancient strongholds high in the World's Edge Mountains, the Dwarfs wage war against their many enemies: Greenskinned Orcs and Goblins, Skaven, the rat-men of the underworld, human bandits and many others. Their numbers have dwindled into few survivors, and most of the Dwarfholds have fallen to their enemies. But sons of Grungni will never lay down their axes or forget their grudges as longs as even one of their warriors is alive. Thus has grown the race of Dwarfs: strong, enterprising and brave.

If there is one weakness in the character of the dour Dwarfs, it's their unreasoning greed for gold and treasure. There are tales of Dwarfs going completely crazy and even slaying their own friends and companions when confronted by a particulary impressive treasure hoard, such is the maddening power that riches have over them.

From Karak Kadrin, the famed Slayer's hold come the Dwarf Goldhunters: the most rugged and tenacious of all the Dwarfkind, and all Dwarfs are known for their subborness and stolid countenance. They come in search for riches, and the huge price offered by the Imperial nobles for the Wyrdstone, that Mordheim is an almost irresistable lure for Dwarfs despite city's grim reputation.

Dangers of the city do little to deter the Dwarfs. Dwarf warbands are invariably well-armed, well-equipped and crazed for the promise of riches. Dwarfs are the greatest smiths and craftsmen in the world, far surpassing humans and even elves. Thus their weapons and armour are always of extremely high quality, and the bravery of the Dwarfs means that they fearlessly face even the most horrid enemies without a flinch. There is no finer heavy infantry in the world than the Dwarfs.

The Dwarf warband leaders often manage to lure members of the Troll Slayer cult to join them. These psychopathic and dangerous maniacs are the most feared of all the Dwarf Warriors.

All Dwarfs are subject to following rules.

Armour. Dwarfs are never slowed down by wearing armour. They do not suffer penalties on their movement even if they wear heavy armour and carry a shield.

Hate Orcs and Goblins. All Dwarfs hate all Orcs and Goblins regardless of the type. See the psychology rules section for details.

A Dwarf warband must incliude a minimum of 3 models. You have 500 Gold Crowns to recruit your initial warband. Maximum number in the warband is 12, though some buildings in the warband's encampment may increase this.

Leader: Each Dwarf group must have one Leader: no more, no less!
Troll Slayers: Your warband may include up to two Troll Slayers.
Engineer: Dwarf warbands may have one Dwarf Engineer.

Clansmen: Your warband may inlude any number of Clansmen.
Thunderers: Your Warband may include up to 6 Thunderers.
Beardlings: Your warband may inlude any number of Beardlings.


Dwarf Combat Shooting Academic Strength Speed Special
Leader X X X X   X
Troll Slayer X     X   X
Engineer X   X X   X

Dwarfs may use the following Skill table instead of any of the standard Skill tables aviable to them.

Magic Resistant. I don't believe in magic! Any effect from a magical spell or a scroll will not affect the Dwarf on a D6 roll of 4+.

Smith. The Dwarf is an expert smith. You may buy any 1 Common weapon for a half price between battles.

Gnollengrom. Only a Dwarf Leader may have this skill. The Dwarf has such an impressive beard that all the Dwarfs around him are inclined to respect him. The Warrior band may re-roll any failed rout tests.

Fearless. The model is immune to fear and counts terror as fear. If you are a Slayer, you may re-roll the result.

Dwarf Grit. If the model suffers a critical hit, he may roll a D6.   On a roll of 4+ he will only suffer normal wound instead of any special damage caused by a critical hit.

Slayers may choose to pick skills from this table as well as from standard Dwarf skill table.

Ferocious Charge. The model may double it's attacks on the turn he charges. He will suffer -1 to hit penaly on that turn.

Monster Slayer. Model always wounds any opponent on a roll of 4+ regardless of Toughness, unless his own strength would make this less.

Berserker. The model may add +1 to his 'to hit rolls' when he charges.

Sweeping strike. The model may make 1 extra attack if he is engaged by more than 1 model.

Tattoos of Grimnir. The Slayer is tattooed by one of the Priests of Grimnir the Brave, the God of Slayers. The model now has a 6+ armour save. If you roll this result again, the save is increased to 5+, and so on, up to 3+. (The Slayer is then covered in tattoos!).

Fated. The Slayer is destined not to die easily. You may re-roll any result on the Serious Injury table. The second result stands, even if it is worse than the first one.

The following lists are used by the Dwarf Warbands to pick their equipment.


Hand-to-hand combat weapons:
Dagger 1st free/2 GC
Mace 3 GC
Hammer 3 GC
Battle axe 5 GC
Sword 5 GC
Double-handed weapon 15 GC
Spear 10 GC
Halberd 10 GC
Missile Weapons:
Crossbow 25 GC
Pistol 15 GC (30 for a brace)
Light armour 20 GC
Heavy armour 50 GC
Dwarf armour 80 GC
Shield 5 GC
Helmet 10 GC


Hand-to-hand combat weapons:
Dagger 1st free/2 GC
Mace 3 GC
Hammer 3 GC
Battle axe 5 GC
Sword 5 GC
Missile Weapons:
Crossbow 25 GC
Pistol 15 GC (30 for a brace) 
Hand gun 35 GC
Light armour 20 GC
Heavy armour 50 GC
Shield 5 GC
Helmet 10 GC

Dwarf Leader starts with 20 experience.
Engineer and Slayers start with 8 experience.
All Henchmen start with 0 experience.

1 DWARF LEADER          70 Gold Crowns to hire

Dwarf Leaders are fortune seekers that have recruited a band of like-minded Dwarfs and headed off to seek riches in Mordheim.  A Dwarf Leader is an inspirational commander. Perhaps he is a member of one of the noble families of the lost Dwarf Strongholds, dreaming of collecting enough treasure so he can restore the former glory of the Dwarf Kingdoms.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Leader 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9

Weapons and Armour: Dwarf Leader Dwarf may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Dwarf Equipment list.

Leader: Any Dwarf within 6" of the Dwarf Leader may use his Leadership characteristic when taking any Leadership tests.
0-1 DWARF ENGINEER               45 Gold Crowns to hire

Dwarf Engineers are respected members of the Dwarf Society. It is they who build and design the complex war machines and devices which have made Dwarfs famous. For a Dwarf Engineer obsessed with building some expensive mechanical device Mordheim represents an opportunity gain some much-needed funds, and see his work tested in practice.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Engineer 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9

Weapons and Armour: Dwarf Engineers may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Dwarf Equipment list.

Expert Weaponsmith: +6" to the range all missile weapons on the warband.
0-2 TROLL SLAYERS                        45 Gold Crowns to hire

Troll Slayers are members of the morbid Dwarf cult obsessed with seeking honourable death in combat. Having committed some unforgivable crime or been dishonoured in an irredeemable way, a Dwarf will forsake his home and wander off to die fighting the enemies of the Dwarfkind.  Troll Slayers are insanely dangerous individuals, psychopathic and violent. However, there are few better fighters in the Known World, so they are much sought after by Dwarf Treasure Hunters.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Troll Slayer 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9

Weapons and Armour: Troll Slayer may be equipped with weapons chosen from the Dwarf Equipment list but they may never wear armour or carry missile weapons. They have sworn to die in combat, and wearing armour would prolong their lives.

Immune to Psychology: Troll Slayers seek an honourable death in combat, and nothing in this world holds any terrors to them, as they already consider themselves dead. Troll Slayers are immune to all psychology and never breakoff from combat for any reason.

HENCHMEN (bought in the groups of 1-5)
DWARF CLANSMEN                   35 Gold Crowns to hire

These are Dwarf warriors in their prime: Tough, stubborn and brave warriors who can be relied to hold their own against any foe. The lure of riches is such a great temptation to Dwarfs that the Treasure Hunters never have trouble at recruiting warriors for their expeditions.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Clansmen 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9

Weapons and Armour: Dwarf Clansmen may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Dwarf Equipment list.
DWARF THUNDERERS                 35 Gold Crowns to hire

Dwarf Thunderers are experts at using missile weapons. Many Orcs and Goblins have died by a sting of a crossbowbolt or a roaring handgun bullet shot by a Dwarf Thunderer.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Thunderer 3 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 9

Weapons and Armour: Dwarf Thunderers may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Thunderer Equipment list.
BEARDLINGS               20 Gold Crowns to hire

These are young Dwarfs who have joined the retinue of an experienced Dwarf Treasure Hunter in hopes of making their fortune. They are much scorned by the older Dwarfs, who never forget to remind them how much harder life was, how hard they had to work, and how much tougher Orcs were when they were young.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Beardlings 3 3 2 3 4 1 2 1 8

Weapons and Armour: Beardlings may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Thunderer Equipment list.

The Dwarfs make the finest armour in the world, and in this they far surpass any humans or even the great Elven smiths. A suit of armour from Karak Kadrin can withstand a blow or turn aside an arrow which would penetrate a shoddy suit of armour made by mere humans. One of the secrets that Dwarfs hold is the metal known as Gromril: ore of a fallen star, which is harder and lighter than steel, never rusts and is a joy to a smith to work with. The best suits of Dwarf armour are made from this metal.

Save: A warrior wearing Dwarf armour has a basic D6 saving throw of 4, 5 or 6 against a wound.

Dwarf-Sized: Only Dwarfs may wear Dwarf armour.

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