The Sewersby Karl HaydenHi, The SewersThere are four main types of sewer terrain: Main Tunnels, Secondary Tunnels, Tertiary Tunnels, and Chambers. You will need a second table set up to use these rules in conjunction with a surface battle. I use chip board, purchased at a craft shop or cardboard from boxes to make the tunnel/chamber sections. I cut up foam squares to make the walk ways. I then use drywall mud to model the sewer water in the channel. Precoat the foam squares with glue, so spray paint won't melt them. Spray paint the tunnel or chamber flat black. Then highlight the stone with gray, and use flock of different colors to make lichens, molds. The water I highlight with several different layers of green. You can also put various bits of junk in the water and walk ways to represent flotsam. Secondary tunnels is made the same way. Walkways across the intersections of the pieces represent areas with drains under them, allowing the channels to merge. The same goes for Tertiary Tunnels. I made:
Also make (12) 1.5 in diameter circular sections of manhole cover paint 6 like stone or metallic, paint 6 flat black. Number each set on the back 1-6.(I use Skoal Longcut Chewing Tobacco Lids)
SetupSet the tunnels up in a 4 x 4 area next to the board, Plcae mains N-S, Secondaries E-W, and tertiary tunnels N-S off of secondaries. Place the manholes by rolling a d6. Place a manhole at least 12" from another manhole. Put the black manholes on the sewer board corresponding to the position of the manholes on the regular board.
RulesEntering the System A Figure can enter via a manhole any time it ends movement next to a manhole, if a figure can roll under its strength on d6 to lift it. Multiple figures can lift the cover together, each figure extra -1 to the roll. If the cover is lifted the figure may enter on its next move. If a figure encounters an already opened cover they may freely move to the tunnel losing 1" of movement. Figures can enter a sewer from a hideout cellar if an entrance has been bought, see campaign rules. Enemy figures can enter an hideout through the cellar if its location was revealed by a prisoner. Light The sewers are dark! Your warriors, must carry a light into them. The following table shows the effects of light for th sewers. A warrior can carry a torch, instead of a shield or weapon. Lanterns may be carried instead of a shield. Torches are free, Lanterns cost 1 GC. The sewers are darker than the surface at night, but some races see better underground. There also is a slight amount of light from phosphorous fungus available. Note Skaven, Night Goblins, Chaos Dwarfs, and Dark Elves receive a +1 to all rolls when in the underground. If a warrior of any other race is without light in a sewer, they receive a -1 penalty to all rolls, except a falling roll.
Manholes are 1.5 inch diameter circles. Main Tunnels are 5 inches across with 1 inch walk ways on each side a three inch wide channel runs up the middle. The effluvium that runs up the middle is deep and over a mans height. Falling in is not a good idea unless your a rat. If a figure falls in wearing heavy armor, he is out of action permanently and his equipment is lost. Figures not wearing heavy armor, lose any hand carried equipment ( i.e bows, swords, shields) and must roll a d6 lower than their initiative to swim out of the water, they are also swept d6 inches down stream towards the north of the board. A figure who falls in also rolls at the end of the game, on the sewer disease table. Secondary Tunnels are 4 inches wide with a 1 inch walkway along each side. The same rules as for main tunnels apply for secondaries. The figures get swept towards the nearest main. Tertiary Tunnels are 3 inches wide with 1 inch walkways, and a shallow channel. A man-sized figure can walk through the channel at ½ M with the liquid up to his knees. Check to fall at the end of each move. If a figure falls in he doesn't get swept or lose his equipment, but does roll on the Sewer Disease Table. Chambers are 6" by 6" and have a very deep central channel. They have a walk way 1 inch wide all around, and tunnels enter them through openings below the walk way. A figure who falls suffers the same penalties as for falling in a main and is swept out of the northern exit.
Setting UpYou need two playing surfaces one for the city and one for the sewer. Set up the city terrain and then set up the sewer Mains run north-south, secondaries run east west off of mains, tertiaries run north south off of secondaries, and chamber can be place anywhere on any type of tunnel. Place the d6 manholes on the city tables at least 12 inches apart and place the black painted circles on the sewer board in approximately the corresponding locations of the manholes. Move tunnels or manholes so they fit, if needed. If playing a campaign and using tabletop effects rules the sewers work as follows: Spring: Tertiary tunnels impassable and flooded. Main/Secondaries
sweep figure 2d6 inches and are -1 to the swimming initiative roll. Where a tunnel exits the board, figures can leave the board, swept figures who make their swimming role, but end off the board, survive, but are out of this game.